GuildChat has dedicated a lot of time and resources towards promoting and onboarding users to its platform. The developers give an impressive figure of 10 million TRX via airdrops to get its messaging app off the ground.
To good success, with all things considered – with 10,000 downloads over the past month.
So we can at least assume that there’s a good degree of retention within the app.
This is where the BitGuild team has taken steps to conduct a ‘complete overhaul’ of its interface and UI.
Compared to its earlier ‘face,’ the new interface appears more fluid and accessible for users. The in-app wallet has also undergone some changes, making it easier to log multiple wallet balances on one page.
Along with a better user interface, the GuildChat app provides a dynamic solution for checking the performance of tokens over time.
Additionally, it hosts a dedicated news feed for users that would want to check on the latest developments.
Fundamentally, it’s also provided improved stability for its messaging solution.
Check out the full report here.
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