Hypernet goes live on Polygon to mint digitally native IDs & functional NFTs

The web3 company, focussed on developing enterprise-scale technology for NFTs – Hypernet, has announced that it will be going live on Polygon. Dedicated to scaling and improving the infrastructure for blockchain developers, the integration of Polygon will allow Hypernet to mint NFTs on a large scale (potentially in the millions) for companies and creators.

Integrating with Polygon allows for a best of both worlds situation; with all the tools to successfully scale and provide users with an easy-to-access smart contract factory on the Polygon network. The integration comes after the launch of Hypernet’s subsidiary tools –

  • Hypernet.Mint: offers highly-configurable NFTs for enterprise-scale solutions, implementing access to digital and real-world opportunities directly into the metadata of the NFTs
  • Hypernet.ID: a secure and reusable digital passport to the world of Web3 technology

“We have huge plans for these NFTs,” said Ivan Ravlich, CEO of Hypernet. “We want to expand into and beyond the digital art sphere and offer NFTs with real-world functionalities. With Hypernet.Mint, developers and novices alike will have the opportunity to mint their NFTs with easily-programmable capabilities, and our Hypernet.ID is just the first use case. Now, our users will be able to mint millions of NFTs with all the unique, highly-specialized capabilities they want built right into the assets themselves.”

For more information about Hypernet, check out the website right here.

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