French games company Atari has announced it’s preparing – with partners – to launch two cryptocurrencies.
Dubbed the Atari Token, the first altcoin will be created in conjunction with Gibraltar-based outfit Infinity Networks and power its new digital entertainment platform.
Blockchain technology is poised to transform, if not revolutionize, the current economic ecosystem
As part of the deal, Atari will grant Infinity Networks a long-term licence to use the Atari brand and take a 17.5 percent stake in the company.
The Paris-floated company said it wasn’t investing any money, however.
Interestingly, two of the co-founders of Infinity Networks are Ron Dimant, CEO of casual gaming outfit MumboJumbo, and blockchain VC Daniel Doll-Steinberg (Blockchain Smokers).
Casino kings
The second deals sees Atari strengthening its existing partnership with casino company Pariplay. During 2018, the companies plan to launch a casino platform that will enable players to bet either using real money or various cryptocurrencies including its own Pong token.
“Blockchain technology is poised to take a very important place in our environment and to transform, if not revolutionize, the current economic ecosystem, especially in the areas of the video game industry and online transactions,” said Atari CEO Frédéric Chesnais, CEO of Atari.
“Given our technological strengths with the development studios, and the global reputation of the Atari brand, we have the opportunity to position ourselves attractively in this sector.
“Our objective is to take strategic positions with a limited cash risk, in order to optimize the assets and the Atari brand.”