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As Axie Infinity: Homeland is entering its pre-beta, Sky Mavis has announced some notable updates to the farming game.
Most significantly is the change of its rewards system, which will enable players to be rewarded in mAXS through gathering, crafting and winning battles. Players sending out their axies for these tasks can also generate AXS rewards.
More specifically, the mAXS that players earn will be stored in their Lockbox. Every Monday, Sky Mavis will withdraw and verify all Lockbox contents, and the verified mAXS will then be minted to AXS. Those AXS can then be claimed via App.Axie. According to the team, this allows for rewards being integrated into gameplay without having to rely on players’ leaderboard ranks.
In addition to moving away from seasonal leaderboards, Homeland’s staking structure is changing, with 20% of staking rewards being diverted to in-game Homeland rewards. This change aims to align game incentives and create a more sustainable economy, with the ultimate ambition to build a completely self-sustaining in-game economy.
On top of this, Homeland players will be introduced to a new Moonfall feature, which is part of the wider game lore. For example, players can discover Moonfalls in the game, which are shards of the moon that’s fallen over the Lunacia land, by completing certain rare actions and receive special rewards in return.
Axie Infinity: Homeland is also switching from seasons to phases, with this pre-beta phase running on an indefinite time frame. The game is deployed on Ronin and available through App.axie.