With Loom Network positioning itself as the Unity for blockchain games, it announced a new game is being developed using its tools.
Neon District is highly stylized cyberpunk card-based RPG that will see players collecting characters, equipment and other assets.
Interestingly, as you play through the game, these assets will become more valuable as they gain experience points, take on special abilities, receive physical flaws and are cybernetically enhanced.
New equipment can also be crafted by using your assets and base material.
Best of both worlds
In terms of the blockchain aspects, the history of these ERC721 assets will be stored on the Loom DAppchain during the game, but can be moved onto the Ethereum mainnet when players want to trade them.
The advantage of this approach is Loom DAppchains don’t require spending ETH to make a transaction and are much quicker too. Similarly, the DAppchains are fully featured delegated proof of stake blockchains so all activity is stored without costing ETH, while Loom’s implementation of Plasma Cash means all assets are secured off the mainnet but with mainnet security.
You can following Neon District’s development (currently at 35%) via its website.
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