Wildcard dev Playful reveals Thousands, its platform for esports, creators and spectators

Coming out of stealth mode, Playful Studios CEO Paul Bettner has unveiled a new community streaming platform.

Called Thousands, it’s designed for the team’s in-development web3 esports deck-building action arena game Wildcard.

However, the vision of Thousands goes deeper than just the one game. Part of Playful Studios revealing the build at this stage is the opportunity to reach out to other game developers who might also benefit from building on the platform. 

So exactly what is Thousands? Although still a work in progress, in essence it’s a digital arena aiming to unite “players, creators and fans” alike. It wants to bring people into the game, or as Bettner puts it, “bring the game to more people”. 

As such, it draws inspiration from current social platforms such as Twitch, YouTube, and X with its Spaces feature.

In Playful’s October TownHall live stream, a short demo of Thousands was showcased. Among some of the features highlighted was the crowd, consisting of digital avatars and NFTs of real people, and their interactions with the matches as they’re streamed live in the arena. To entice spectators, these live events will have NFT draws for random winners picked from the crowd, similar to how other real-world arena sports events are run.

Discover more about WildCard via its official website and follow the game’s X channel.

EsportsPaul BettnerPlayful StudiosWildcard