Games like CubeGo work to give the player complete autonomy over their own experiences. From the items they use, to the creatures and environments they’ll come to interact with.
While it was a game that was only recently announced by a team from games ranging from Decentraland, to Etheremon. It has released one of the first tools for its wider game – The Cubegon Character Building Feature.
The Building Feature
Much like the first players in a game: the early adopters can reap the benefits, and the same’s true here.
Those that play around and develop characters in this building tool will be able to register their creations and store them on the blockchain.
One of the added advantages of this system is the inclusion of character trading on the OpenSea marketplace.
Any character or creation made by a player is purely unique, meaning they can never be duplicated. This also includes the colours used when creating the asset.
Find out more about the building beta right here.
Blockchain Gamer Connects – London Registration 2019 – PGConnects – London
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