Schedule for Blockchain Gamer Connects is now live!

Ladies and gentlemen, we are proud to announce that the full conference is now live for Blockchain Gamer Connects London, part of the Pocket Gamer Connects London show.

Taking place on the 21st and 22nd this month, the conference schedule runs throughout the two full days across six track rooms – itself a new record.

Our 250-plus world-class speakers cover as many aspects of the mobile, PC, and blockchain games industry as we can fit in the form of insightful keynotes, essential solo sessions, lively panels, revelatory fireside chats, thought-provoking roundtables, and productive workshops.

For day two, attendees can look forward to a number of invaluable workshops on blockchain game design, including marketing strategies for taking your game to the mass market.

Be sure to check out the roundtable discussions, covering the untold lessons with blockchain game development, and hear from industry experts on the challenges involved in development and advertising.

As ever with these things, expect a little movement here and there as things settle (we’re still adding content, in fact) so keep checking back for the latest agenda.

But as it is, this represents our most ambitious agenda to date (such as the content volume, it’s actually broken our website a little).

Want to ensure 2019 kicks off in the most productive manner? We humbly suggest attending Connects London will help. Book your ticket now!

Continue the discussion in our Telegram group and don’t forget to follow on TwitterFacebook, and YouTube.

BGCLEthereumGame DevelopmentLondonMobile GamesPC GamesTRON
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