Blockmason, Korea Mobile Gaming and Content Associations band together

South Korea has been steadily embracing blockchain technology, from working with Decentraland within its Next Reality Partners Program, to the recent three-pronged Memorandum of Understanding.

According to Blockmason, the company has officially partnered up with the Korea Mobile Gaming and Content Associations this week. Between the three, they aim to not only advance the world of blockchain game development.

What it does represent is a push from both private blockchain companies and the South Korea government to lower the barriers to entry which prevent smaller, emerging companies from implementing blockchain technology.

Michael Chin, CEO of Blockmason, believes that this three-party MoU represents the greatest potential for up and coming developers to get involved in blockchain.

“The KMGA and KBCCA represent hundreds of startups employing thousands of developers. Together, we can help their member companies build innovative new games and other software products faster while also encouraging user adoption.”

For more information about Blockmason, visit the website.

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