Can a game item truly be ported from one metaverse to another? How would a universal file format work, and how do you keep brand consistency for the IP? Dive into these questions and more in this session from the live conference Pocket Gamer Connects London 2023 where EverdreamSoft CEO and founder Shaban Shaame shares his views.
What does interoperability mean?
Shaame discusses the nuances of bringing game items from one metaverse to another. It’s not just a simple port, and there are many challenges for developers to consider. For instance, due to technical and creative constraints, there is no common file format that will work in any metaverse. Shaame thinks a possible solution for this is to let the community make the adaptation.
Clarifying ownership of NFTs
According to Shaame, it’s important to use blockchain tokens or NFTs to clarify ownership. These tokens are like property titles, and as such, they need a notary to guarantee authenticity. This is where Wakweli comes in, which is what Shaame is currently working on at the moment, a notary for the metaverse.
Toward the end of the session, Shaame answers handpicked questions from the audience. He touches upon the issue of AI-authored NFTs, as well as the outlook of NFTs with Apple when it comes to monetisation.
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