Simon Davis on Telegram’s mass market opportunity

As we’re about to close the chapter of 2024 and look towards the dawn of a new year, we’ve been asking some of the key members of the blockchain gaming sector about their thoughts on the past year and what they expect in 2025.

Simon Davis is the CEO of Mighty Bear Games, the developer of Mighty Action Heroes and GOAT Gaming.

What was the most significant trend for the sector of 2024?

The rise of Telegram gaming and messenger games more broadly. This is what mass adoption will look like.

How did the focus of your business change this year?

We went all-in on Telegram games and skillgaming more broadly.

What do you predict will be the most important trends in 2025?

The unlocking of creativity and innovation spurred by a more rational approach to regulation in the US. If the US does go ahead with a bitcoin reserve, that will drive the industry to new heights and help secure the industry’s future.

What was your favourite blockchain game of the year?

GOAT Gaming – you didn’t expect me to vote elsewhere did you?!

What’s your New Year’s resolution and what resolution would you enforce on the industry?

All of us remember to slow down and take a breather amidst all the madness.

Check out all the 2024 End-of-Year interviews here >>

EOY 2024Mighty Bear GamesSimon Davis