Loom Network announces Libra Course as part of its CryptoZombies code school

The Facebook-initiated Libra blockchain looks like it’s going to have a fight on its hands to launch. But, despite its many detractors, it does have some supporters.

One such is blockchain tech outfit Loom Network.

It’s certain Libra has a big part to play, predicting “Libra will end up being the gateway drug to mass adoption of major blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum”.

Loom and Libra working together

One reason for this thinking is that Loom describes Libra as more of a payment system than a smart contract platform.

And in this way, it’s positioning Loom Network’s Layer 2 blockchain as the perfect companion.

“We believe the combination of Libra and Loom Network will be incredibly powerful. For example, if you issue tokens using Libra Blockchain, you will be able to build a dapp on Loom to interact with those tokens,” it writes on its Medium.

Hence Loom has announced it will be launching a Libra Development Course to teach developers about using its Move language. It will also explain how to write Solidity smart contracts that accept payments or integrate a token on Libra Blockchain.

This will be part of Loom’s CryptoZombies code school, which has been attempted by over 400,000 users.

You can sign up for it here.

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CryptoZombiesLayer 2LibraLoom NetworkTools
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