april, 2019
04aprallday06CoinFest 2019International

Event Details
COINFEST LOCATIONS FROM APRIL 1st to APRIL 7th Arnhem, Netherlands - April 1 It wouldn’t be a CoinFest without
Event Details
Arnhem, Netherlands – April 1
It wouldn’t be a CoinFest without Arnhem Bitcoinstad, the world’s most Bitcoin-friendly city. This is their 5th annual CoinFest celebration; out of all the Bitcoin bars in town, they chose one right near the central train station so that you’ll have no difficulty stumbling home. RSVP on Meetup.
Amsterdam, Netherlands – April 3
The Dutch capital is also host to CoinFest, thanks to the long-standing efforts of Bitcoin Wednesday. Their monthly conference celebrates CoinFest with presentations every year; free attendance is granted to the needy upon request. RSVP on Meetup.
** Vancouver, Canada – April 3-7
The birthplace of CoinFest has long been an innovator under the guidance of the Bitcoin Co-op. This year will be no exception, with events spread out throughout the week of CoinFest. The highlights will be the Mass Blockchain Wedding (with a real preacher and all the trappings) and the Blockchain Gaming Expo. RSVP on EventChain.
Manchester, UK – April 4-6
Drawing hundreds of attendees, CoinFest UK is now famous worldwide thanks to the efforts of Adam Rizvi from CryptoBatesGroup. Always striving to outdo himself, the event will now be 3 days long, with all the usual workshops, presentations and parties. Learn everything you need to know on their website.
Port Harcourt, Nigeria – April 4-5
Kaybabs Consult is taking CoinFest Nigeria to the next level this year; this highly professional conference now spans 2 days of activities, including a hackathon for more adventurous attendees. Get all the details on the CoinFest Nigeria website, with special passes available for media.
Freetown, Sierra Leone – April 5
The third annual CoinFest celebration in Sierra Leone will once again return to Sensi Tech Hub. The Sierra Leone Liberty Group is utilizing T-shirts, banners and radio advertising to spread the word about cryptocurrency for economic progress. Support their efforts by following their Facebook event.
Kumasi, Ghana – April 6
Philip Agyei Asare has returned to CoinFest organizing after a long hiatus. He has rallied a team around Blockchain Foundation Africa, and their efforts to spread blockchain technology have already begun at the hapaSpace tech hub. Follow their Facebook event to learn what activities they have in store.
Gaborone, Botswana – April 6
Based out of Satoshi Centre, the Botswana Bitcoin Lady is renowned across Africa and worldwide for her efforts to spread blockchain technology. As usual, she will carry the banner of cryptocurrency deep into the South African interior with various outreach materials. Support their efforts by following the CoinFest Botswana Facebook page.
april 4 (Thursday) - 6 (Saturday)