Pixels launches $85,000 competitive guild event

Following the major release of Chapter 2, social RPG Pixels has rolled out Guild Crop Wars, a guild and sabotage-based event entailing $85,000 in PIXEL rewards.
Prior to its Chapter 2 update, the developer had announced the game’s new emphasis on guilds. Now for the first time, an event in Pixels will feature teamwork-style gameplay combined with sabotage, challenging participants to strategize and collaborate within their guilds to win. Aiming to cultivate the most cave mushrooms through farming loops, there’s also an added element of sabotage, allowing players to buy and use goo to use against opponents.
Both fertilizer and water are resources which can be bought to boost and protect the crops, with the main objective to earn PIXEL rewards by depositing mushrooms into the Transmushtation Chute, sabotaging for opponents, reaching milestones, and climbing the leaderboards.
As for the milestones, they’re based on various activities players and guilds can achieve, including
- using the most goo on other guilds’ crops,
- earning the most guano points, and
- accumulating the most spores points.
Each activity contains its own point value, which will count on the overall leaderboards.

Currently the most popular web3 game in terms of daily active players, since the introduction of guilds in March 2024, Pixels claims it’s accumulated over 1,700 active guilds.
“When we introduced Pixels Guilds, the purpose was to help us implement more social dynamics and play, with guilds becoming an important part of the core gameplay experience. We are excited to introduce Guild Crop Wars as one way to bring more engagement and fun to our community and we plan to use the insights gained from this event to inform future liveops events,” said Pixels CEO and founder Luke Barwikowski.
Available exclusively to Pixels Guild members, Guild Crop Wars starts Friday 2nd August and ends Monday 5th. Find out more about the event here.
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