Umbria teams up with The Red Village to build a seamless blockchain experience

Umbria Network is providing The Red Village community with a fast, cheap and easy way to bridge ETH to the Polygon network (WETH) via its new bridge widget.
While blockchain gaming has been breaking into a strong stride over the years, cross-chain integration has remained vital. For The Red Village, the P2E dark fantasy game on Polygon will be integrating the Umbria Network this week.
Thanks to Umbria’s new bridge widget, The Red Village will support the bridging of its economy between Polygon and Ethereum. Known as the Narni Bridge, it not only offers developers that integrate it with a reliable, efficient bridge but operate as a uniquely branded widget to improve user experience and immersion.
“The widget brings the huge speed and cost-saving advantages of the Narni bridge to end users inconspicuously within their native environment,” said Oscar Chambers, Co-founder/lead developer of Umbria Network. “We’re delighted to have The Red Village as the premier test case for the widget and are excited to be bringing the Narni experience to this wider gaming audience.”
Lucien Dorman, Co-founder of The Red Village, commented: “We’ve seen the Narni bridge used elsewhere in blockchain gaming to great success and are thrilled to now have our custom ‘The Red Village’ branded widget built for in-game use. Not only will this make our player experience easier, but also greatly reduce costs for players. It’s a win-win!”
Leveraging Umbria’s Narni Bridge & Token Sale
To purchase Champions, gamers will need to convert their Ether ($ETH) from the Ethereum mainnet to wrapped ETH on the Polygon network. Players will also require WETH to pay the buy-in when competing in the game’s flagship fighting Tournaments. Umbria’s Narni bridge widget will enable them to do this faster and at approximately a 90% discount to other solutions.
The integration comes as The Red Village is gearing up for its token sale, with its presale starting on January 24th and its public sale on the 25th.
Check out the game’s trailer here:
For more information about The Red Village and its upcoming token sale, be sure to visit the website right here.
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