Guild of Guardians getting its largest expansion on 16th October

Immutable’s mobile RPG Guild of Guardians is getting the largest expansion since its release on 15th May.
Dropping on Wednesday 16th October, Frostmire will add new locations and dungeons to the main Adventure mode, as well as new gameplay elements and story.
This will be backed with the release of two new legendary guardians, viking warrior Dolvir and foxy hunter Lisca, who will allow players to beef up their squad’s offensive power following the previous release of healer Jadey.
Another addition released as part of Frostmire will be the introduction of level 7 equipment and gear.
“We want each expansion to have a narratively compelling story that drives players to want to learn more about this world. Frostmire delivers a rich new location for players to explore, challenge their skills, and conquer, with new guardians to help anchor the story and take commanders along for the ride,” commented game director Chris Clay.
“We wanted to show a new environment that stands in contrast to the lands that have been explored before, so this time the commander and their guardians are making their way to Stormkeep, which rests at the top of the tallest mountain in Frostmire. We used a different colour palette for this realm than has been used before, and the music also reflects the land in a whimsical way. With new enemies and surprises to be found in Frostmire, we can’t wait for players to check it out and let us know what they think,” added creative director Ella Lowgren.
Find out more at the Guild of Guardians’ website.
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