imToken and OpenSea partner up for unique mobile experience

imToken and OpenSea partner up to create a unique mobile experience for users

OpenSea’s API has gained a reputation as being one of the most comprehensive lists for smart contracts, NFTs and more.

Among the new entrants to this API is imToken 2.0, which has announced that it will be making use of the system.

This partnership will allow imToken users to view their collectibles thanks to the data that OpenSea brings to the table.

Partnering up allows for a greater level of flexibility for users of the mobile wallet. One of these being the ability to send and receive ERC20 tokens.

The mobile wallet also provides users with the means to copy and share addresses, thanks to access to a unique QR scanner.

Flexibility is what users have with this wallet too, with the partnership providing access to BTC and EOS and, with OpenSea, the ability to access a wide range of dApps.

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