War Riders – Test Wasteland competition starts up
The Wasteland is an interesting place for War Riders players

For players out there, the world of War Riders is getting interesting with its test wasteland competition
The wicked wasteland of War Riders‘ is a wild place for gamers, and it’s getting more interesting. Over the weekend, the team made a start to its test wasteland competition, encouraging players to explore the vast expanse.
What makes this more interesting for players is the fact that rare in-game items can only be found with specific cars. Meaning that it’ll take more than just one long trek across the expanse to find these items.
The contest itself is open to any players with a car, with the more NFTs being the better. All competitors need to do is take a screenshot of any exclusive item they find in the wasteland. Then post it in either the War Riders Discord or Telegram channels.
For the hard-working winners, there are exclusive badges that players can affix to their cars, including 1,000BZN.
We’re eager to see just what players will find out there.
Be sure to check out War Riders by visiting the website.
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