XAYA showcases its new ‘Game Channels Technology’

30 second transaction times can be a deal-breaker for some games

Depending on the kind of game you’re playing, transaction times can be the ‘make or break’ factor. This a point of contention that XAYA addressed quite well, explaining just how this can kill momentum in a game.

For some of its own titles, like Treat Fighter and Taurion, having a transaction time of 30 seconds isn’t so bad. These transactions can be few and far between, meaning they’re not recurrent issues. But for others, like the recently introduced ‘XAYAShips,’ having to wait 30 seconds will have people leaving the game fast.

It’s for this reason that the team introduced ‘Game Channel Technology’ to the platform.

So what does this new ‘Technology’ entail? Game Channels will run alongside the main chain and operate almost as unique payment channels.

In adding these, they allow for dispute resolution without the need for a third party.

The reason why this is relevant to XAYAShips is the fact that its beta was the first instance where this technology was tested.

While this game is currently in beta, a user-facing version is currently under development. And, in summary, the XAYA team believes that the inclusion of these Game Channels can serve as an effective way of improving scale and transaction speeds.

For more information, check out the post here.

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