Doctor Who: World’s Apart moves to Polygon

Reality Gaming Group‘s intergalactic title – Doctor Who: World’s Apart – has officially come to Polygon. In doing so, it aims to shield its users from the slow transaction speeds and high gas prices on Ethereum.
It comes as no surprise that Ethereum has been having a hard time recently. As more developers and users make use of blockchain, more transactions place a greater demand on it to deliver.
For game developers, it’s become essential to look for layer-2 solutions to keep the players’ experience going. In addition, existing on a sidechain provides much-needed flexibility to withdraw their NFTs, and/or sell them on marketplaces.
In the face of these challenges, Polygon has emerged as a popular choice for developers. The scaling solution is already home to over 500 titles so far.

According to company CEO & co-founder Morten Rongaard, without the need to scale, the focus and shift to in-game experience:
“Our primary focus has been on game development, but thanks to our Polygon integration, we can turn our attention to enhancing our chain, which has already tokenized more than 500,000 NFT trading cards,” he says
” I’m thrilled to finally connect with Polygon, having followed their work since they emerged. We believe our communities of gamers are going to benefit hugely from the updates we are going to be able to implement using the Polygon platform.”
In September, the team unveiled ‘Time Lord Victorious’, named after the multi-platform story that brings together some of the most renowned incarnations of the Doctor.
In case you haven’t already, be sure to check out Doctor Who: World’s Apart by visiting the website.