Influence announces game’s launch on StarkNet

The blockchain-based, interstellar MMO Influence has announced that it will be leveraging StarkNet for its upcoming launch.

Colloquially known as the ‘Exploitation’ release, it’ll give players the chance to test-fly a growing range of star-craft, and give its in-game economy a whirl.

With gaming on a galactic scale, scale becomes the operative phrase. To provide that in-game complexity for a growing player-base, it needed to find some way to solve this. For Influence – that was StarkNet.

According to the team, partnering with a layer-2 scaling solution like StarkNet opens the way to supporting millions of players, while offering a massively multiplayer experience. For Influence, StarkNet is the best of both worlds: “leading permissionless ZK-Rollup, which opens up unimaginable opportunities for permissionless blockchains. It offers massive scaling while relying on Ethereum’s security.”

For players, gaming on top of Ethereum comes with its share of frustrations. As more users enter the blockchain, transactions go up right next to fees to process them. So, when this paradigm is in play – developers have to choose between cutting costs for a simple game or taking the financial hit to maintain a complex title.

Influence‘s team, like others, decided that going layer-2 was a necessity. It provides players with a richer experience and security in knowing that the team’s roadmap wouldn’t be hampered by gas fees.

Check out the game’s trailer here:

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