The dragon fighting game that wants to ‘eat’ your CryptoKitties

Decentralized fighting game HyperDragons goes live on blockchain
Competitive blockchain fighting game HyperDragons is now live.
With collectible gameplay familiar to CryptoKitties players – collect, breed, and trade – HyperDragons also introduces a competitive gaming experience. Players must train their virtual dragons to compete in online battles.
HyperDragons uses Ethereum ERC721 non-fungible tokens to create unique virtual dragons that players can trade. Each virtual dragon has its own fighting abilities, which are determined by three factors: the dragon’s skills, glory, and hit points. A player can send his or her dragon to participate in fighting competitions to prove its worth on the battlefield.
The blockchain-powered game will also collaborate with brands to provide a series of online sponsored championships and tournaments.
It’s a dragon eat kittie world
HyperDragons is compatible with CryptoKitties, as a dragon’s abilities can be enhanced by eating cats and absorbing their attributes. The game can synchronize CryptoKitties that the dragon’s owner holds and then reward the owner with an empowered dragon, which may be able to obtain special glory in competition to climb up the ladder rankings.
There’s also a prediction game to all players where even those without a dragon can guess who will win fights, rewarded via smart contracts on blockchain for predicting the outcome.
A new milestone
Co-Founder Yi Yi said, “We are very excited to launch HyperDragons, a new milestone for the online games industry. It is a real game which leverages blockchain technology while not compromising on players’ gaming experience.”
Yi Yi also expanded on the technology’s wider application for gaming saying, “We believe blockchain could also be used as a data structure to store gameplay and executable elements of the game program. We are implementing blockchain technology to create a more exciting, engaging, and competitive gaming experience, and ultimately great quality content for users.”