Decentraland gears up for Creator Contest

Decentraland is gearing up for the release of its scene builder with a contest
Along with the introduction of Version 5 of its Software Development Kit in January, Decentraland is hosting a new competition. The development team states that the competition will run in conjunction with the release of its scene builder.
As a result, players will be able to get some real first-hand experience at developing these scenes and get creative with them. This new scene builder, the team professes, will be intuitive enough for any player to build and create.
“Our goal is to encourage and reward creative scenes put together by community members using the scene builder.”
One guideline that is set by the Decentraland team is that one user cannot submit more than 20 scenes. Apart from that, there’s no set limit on the number of people that can apply to participate.
The exact date for when this competition is due to start remains relatively vague. This is on account of the still fluid time-frame given for the release of the scene builder.
Find out more about Decentraland’s scene builder and competition here.
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