CryptoWars Tournament comes to ETHCC Paris

CryptoWars will be bringing the villages to the people at ETHCC in Paris

Organized by Asseth, the Ethereum Community Conference will be hosting a wide range of speakers, including the CryptoWars team. Speaking at the event is the company’s CEO, Matias Nisenson, and the team is intent upon a practical approach, especially for showing off the potential for side-chains.

As a result, the team has announced that it will be hosting a dedicated tournament for attendees of the event. Beginning on March 6th and running until the 8th, the tournament will include a range ETH-based prizes.

The object of the game in the eyes of competitors is to accrue as many points as possible. Experimental has stated that it will be announcing the winners on March 12th, and providing prizes in ETH or Experimental tokens.

Find out more about the Ethereum Community Conference by visiting the website.

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