Nifty Football has gone live

Nifty Football is kicking off

Kick-off has begun for Nifty Football this week, along with its blind NFT sale

The wait is finally over for football and NFT fans, as Nifty Football officially touches down. To allow players to hit the ground running, this launch coincides with the beginning of a blind card sale.

What it means by ‘blind’ is that users can purchase packs with different rarities (regular and elite). And, depending on their pre-set values, this will determine what kind of player NFTs you receive.

Along with these blind packs, the developers will be designating the first 1,000 NFTs as ‘genesis’ cards. Meaning that they will be permanently set apart from other cards with a distinctive colour.

While these make up the very first days of the game. The team will be steadily introducing a wider range of teams, nationalities and uniforms, giving you the power to customize your squad.

For more information about the game, visit the report here.

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