Decimated introduces its Play-to-Earn economy
Fracture Labs, the development team behind Decimated, is bringing the multiplayer RPG back to the blockchain. Having launched its pre-alpha on Steam this month, the team has announced that it will be moving its ecosystem to Solana.
Having undergone two years of development, the team made the decision to put its blockchain integration on hold until the game was sufficiently developed.
Going forward, this ultimately means that its token (DIO), NFTs and economy will be powered using the layer-1 solution – and with good reason. With the game now in the hands of players as an early build, it’ll come face-to-face with stress tests on its mechanics, and ability to scale. In order to drive forward a sustainable economy to couple with its diversifying gameplay, it needs a solution like Solana.
What this also means for older DIO smart contracts is that they’ll be discontinued by Q4 2021, with the new smart contracts being issued around the same time. Owners of the old Ethereum DIO will be able to swap out their tokens for the new tokens on Solana.
With players putting it to the (early) test, the team has come forward with what they can expect from the title in the coming months.
Right now, the game serves as a multiplayer demo with hover/land vehicles, co-operative gameplay or capture the flag. In the coming months, Decimated will be introducing the following:
– Progression System, AI, Leveling
– Quests, XP Counter, Meta Gameplay, Weapon Degradation, Resource Gathering
– PvE Instances with Bosses and Loot
– Vehicles Gameplay, Cargo Activity and Trade Routes
– City with Market, Merchants and NPC’s, Skill System, Roleplay and Character Development
– Huge Desert Area with Multiple Events, Areas, Biomes and Points of Interest
– New Classes, New Skills, Augmentations, Crafting.
Check out the game’s pre-alpha on Steam, and visit the website here.
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