Marvel and DC legend Neal Adams unveils Hash Rush comic NFT

Neal Adams – the illustrious name behind superheroes for Marvel and DC comics – is coming to the world of NFTs. i
In partnership with Vorto Gaming, more than 2,500 unique copies of the Hash Rush comic have gone on sale via the Vorto Network.
Named after the game of the same name, the comic will be minted as a unique set of NFTs ahead of the game’s re-release, expected to happen in 2022.
Along with 2,500 print-based comics, Vorto has also announced that each will be accompanied by a unique NFT – costing $150.
Those looking to get some added rarity in their comics should also look out for the rarer ‘Crystal’ issues, of which 80 will be available.
What’s more, Vorto has also announced the one-of-a-kind ‘Legend’ issue – in honour of Adams himself. Printed on gold aluminium, and minted as an NFT – it’s expected to become one of the provably rarest comics in the world.
Neal Adams back in action
While renowned as a household name; having worked on comics ranging from Batman, Green Lantern, and X-Men among others, Hash Rush represents the first comic that Adams has worked on in over 2 years.
Even with this time gap, Adams showed a great deal of excitement, both in developing the Hash Rush and re-entering the world of comics.
“Hash Rush is a story about overcoming adversity and fighting against the evils of this world to create a universe that prospers – echoing some of the recent challenges we’ve faced on earth,” he said.
“It has been a while since I last published an original comic and I’m glad to have made a brief return on this book, creating a story that I hope readers find fascinating; one that is in its infancy and will hopefully become part of a much broader entertainment series in the future.”

Going live today, those interested should visit the Vorto Network website to take part in the first sales.
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