3D Wearable sports jerseys arrive on Alterverse with Fancurve partnership

Alterverse has announced a new partnership with Fancurve, bringing the latter to Sky City – Alterverse’s virtual platform.
The partnership indicates Fancurve’s broader vision of bringing sports fashion to the digital world. Now that the team has entered Alterverse’s platform, players can rep their fandom and engage with their favourite teams and brands.
The Fancurve team will now have a dedicated virtual storefront in Sky City, players can easily stop by the store in order to connect with fellow fans, browse and buy sports apparel.
Any new collections of digital jerseys will have been made by a range of well-known artists and designers, ensuring a high level of quality from their NFT clothing.
Fancurve itself has been working to secure new partnerships with a range of football clubs, players and brands to drop new and exclusive collections.