Making CryptoCrusades; a fully on-chain mobile strategy game

Aspiring to build a deeply immersive strategy game in web3, developer Merfolk Games is making a mark in the industry. With its fully on-chain features as well as being a mobile game through and through, hex-grid empire building game CryptoCrusades certainly stands out from the crowd.
We spoke to Merfolk Games’ co-founder, Gabriel Meredith. He told us that the inspiration for CryptoCrusades came from a passion, sparked in his childhood, for history and strategy games such as Settlers of Catan and Civilization.
After finishing his studies in history and archeology, blockchain had just emerged as a concept and Meredith was drawn to its “huge potential in terms of player-owned assets”.
So he and the team set out to create a game that fully utilizes blockchain technology while bringing history and culture to life.
On-chain, the best way to build
An increasing number of web3 game developers only partially adopt blockchain into their projects, but one of the striking features of CryptoCrusades is its hardcore on-chain profile. “We wanted to do the impossible: create a full, in-depth strategy game, but stay true to the blockchain aspect. We considered watering down the blockchain side, but in the end, we decided the best way to build something new that our fans would love would be to keep the game fully on-chain”, Meredith says.
With the use of smart contracts, the team were able to create a gameplay experience without the complicated web3 onboarding process, by utilizing the Skale blockchain.
Fun, art and depth
However, despite being hardcore blockchain with a desire to make strategy gamers “immediately feel at home”, the team also emphasizes the value of fun.
Although “the web3 aspect is important, having a game that’s actually fun and beautiful is just as critical. We’ve designed the gameplay to ensure that anybody, including non-blockchain enthusiasts, will have a fun time and want to keep coming back for more”, Meredith explains.
On the matter of game development and how to appeal to an everyday audience as a blockchain game he mentions two things in particular; “Without the art, it might just look like another cookie-cutter project. And without an in-depth gameplay, it starts to feel less like a game and more like a simple marketplace.”
Unlike some other web3 games encountering issues with the app stores, Merfolk Games intentionally designed CryptoCrusades to be a true mobile game and after some “shifting around” the app store approval process was fairly smooth.

An optimistic outlook
As for the future of CryptoCrusades and Merfolk Games, Meredith shared that players can expect more architecture and clothing sets for customization, as well as features like alliance systems, global chats, and government policies.
And while the market changes may have affected the launch, he remains optimistic that blockchain games that are actually fun will continue to shine through. He’s confident that CryptoCrusades will be one of the most polished games on the market for everyone to enjoy.
With the team’s clear vision and commitment, Merfolk Games is sure to make an impact in the industry. And CryptoCrusades is just the beginning of what it has in store. Meredith concludes, that there are “some other games up our sleeve that our team is working on, so keep an eye on our announcements”.
Keep up-to-date at the Merfolk Games and CryptoCrusades websites.