Top trending – Biggest stories in blockchain gaming

Bringing you the biggest stories in blockchain gaming
We never cease to see busy weeks in the world of blockchain gaming. This week, in particular, has involved a lot of upcoming releases and launches of pre-sales and mainnets. Along with this news, we are also glad to bring you the first of our blockchain podcast series, starting with our roundtable talks at Blockchain Gamer Connects London.
But, without further delay, here are some of the biggest stories from blockchain gaming.
1) Waves extends its game line-up with Fhloston Paradise
Games take inspiration, and developers draw on it from every which way. For the development team – Tradisys – its latest game takes a lot away from the art style of the Fifth Element.
2) Top 10 Most Anticipated Blockchain Games for 2019
The start of the year is a time to look forward and there’s nothing more exciting to look forward to than new games.
3) How Kin is working with Unity to onboard mobile game devs to its blockchain rewards ecosystem
With blockchain games struggling to break out of their crypto-enthusiast niche, many now think 2019 will instead see the rise of games using blockchain.
4) Blockchain game devs surprisingly bullish about 2019
In the first draft of what we plan to be an ongoing quarterly series, over the past couple of weeks we’ve been running the Blockchain Games Sentiment Survey for Q1 2019.
5) CryptoWars announces its second tournament
CryptoWars has used an interesting method of testing out the potential for its game and Loom’s blockchain. It has managed to do so by hosting a total of four tournaments in-game, which has already benefitted the team immensely.
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