Klang Games secures $41 million in a funding round for its player-built online universe

Klang Games, a new blockchain gaming studio, has secured more than $41 million in its funding round. The funding will be dedicated. to creating its upcoming, player-built online universe – Seed. Along with this influx of funding, the company has alaos announced that EA veteran – Isabelle Henriques – has also joined as the company’s new Co-CEO.
Based in the fantasy world of Avesta, Seed provides players with a wholly open-world experience, with the autonomy to explore, participate in, and contribute to an ever-growing, player-driven economy. The game itself is explored through virtual human avatars known as Seedlings.
Seedlings are highly customisable, and offer players a high level of creative expression through their avatars. At the moment, Seed is in its pre-alpha state, but will likely see its development ramped up thanks to this funding.
Ultimately, the aim of Klang Games is to push the boundaries of conventional MMOs, with players taking a far more active and direct role in the world and economy. This dynamic infrastructure is made possible through Improbable’s SpatialOS platform, which enables smaller-development teams to create larger-scale simulations on the platform.
For more information on Klang Games, check out the website.