Parsec Frontiers sells $11,700 ARK-001 space ship

Kicks off a combined ICO and IIO
Following the launch of its combined ICO and IIO (Initial Item Offering) for space MMOG Parsec Frontiers, Norwegian developer Arthouse has confirmed the sale of its first Ark spaceship.
The first of 100 of the deep space exploration vessels in the forthcoming blockchain game ARK-001 – an ERC721 token – sold for 22 million PRSC or almost $11,700.
That’s not much compared to the likes of the $140,000 Celestial Cyber Dimension CryptoKitty but given the first phase of Parsec Frontiers won’t launch until December, it’s pretty impressive in relative terms.
Another comparison point is rival space game CSC, which recently completed its IIO, raising around $125,000.
You can find out more about the ICO and IIO via the Parsec Frontiers’ website, or check out our recent interview with the dev team here.
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