Cocos-BCX announces ‘Developer Cultivation Plan’ with TRON Arcade

TRON and Cocos-BCX are working to cultivate new blockchain game developers

TRON Arcade has been making some remarkable headway in the world of blockchain gaming. From partnerships formed with Blockchain Cuties, EverDragons and Gumi Crypto, it’s becoming a major player in the space.

Meanwhile,  Cocos-BCX is seeking to do for blockchain games what it did for PC and mobile developers with. And with over 1.3 million developers already in its ecosystem, it has the experience and reputation to succeed.

More recently, it was announced by Cocos that it has formed a ‘Developer Cultivation Plan’ with TRON Arcade. So far, this program revolves around the mutual promotion of one another’s platforms. This cross-advertising has already led to nearly 30 teams from the BCX platform being submitted to TRON Arcade.

The partnership itself was formed under the joint goal of creating a ‘worldwide blockchain gaming ecosystem.’

Cocos-BCX initially launched its platform late-2018, and is backed by its own dedicated blockchain – CocosChain. This chain is backed by the fact that its platform is fully compatible with a wide range of blockchain solutions.

For more information about Cocos-BCX, and TRON Arcade, visit the websites.

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