Blockade Games partners up with RealHxro

Blockade Games finds itself a Hxro

Boasting a digital community of over 37,000, Hxro has a lot to boast with its platform. It’s with this in mind that the Blockade Games team have announced a new partnership with the platform, bringing more potential users to Blockade’s own title – Plasma Bears – while giving Hxro players ample access to new NFTs.

Hxro itself operates as a social gaming platform, making the partnership all the more interesting. Players on Hxro stake the ERC20 token of the same name with the potential of earning prizes and tokens by winning.

According to Blockade Games CEO, Marguerite de Courcelle, the collaboration will allow both teams to bring real use cases to users.

“Blockade Games couldn’t be more excited to partner with Hxro. Blockchain games are delivering on real crypto use cases across boundaries, and across communities,” de Courcelle continues.

“We’re uniting to challenge how we think of digital asset ownership and celebrating our creativity. The future is bright for blockchain gaming.”


As of now, active members of the Hxro community will be able to take advantage of winning exclusive branded Plasma Bears parts for use with the game.

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