Enjin showcases receiving and using ERC1155 tokens in EnjinCraft James McQuillan May 28, 2019 We get a close look at Enjin's dedicated Minecraft - EnjinCraft - this week.
Trial by Minting – Kriptomat introduces ‘very first’ ERC1155 minting… James McQuillan May 24, 2019 Kriptomat launches its very first ERC1155 minting competition, with over $600 worth of creative prizes on the line
Forgotten Artefacts has launched on Enjin’s mainnet James McQuillan May 23, 2019 Forgotten Artefacts has landed on the Enjin Mainnet this week, with the alpha soon to follow
Enjin launches EnjinCraft, the first blockchain-based Minecraft server James McQuillan May 20, 2019 Enjin has brought Spark to Minecraft and launches its Java SDK
Space Misfits’ KickStarter raises $42,000 James McQuillan May 20, 2019 Space Misfits should start thinking about stretch goals for its campaign
Space Misfits is officially launching alpha on May 25th James McQuillan May 16, 2019 Space Misfits is not your average space MMO
Six Dragons’ pre-sale raises $90,000 in 24 hours James McQuillan May 15, 2019 A member of the Enjin Spark initiative has made a spirited start of its pre-sale
Enjin’s Spark program launches for a new wave of blockchain game devs James McQuillan May 15, 2019 Enjin's new Spark program wants to help developers realise their potential.
Enjin introduces dapp browser to its mobile wallet James McQuillan May 14, 2019 Enjin's dApp browser promises a high level of versatility for users
Six Dragons kicks off the item presale James McQuillan May 14, 2019 Consisting of 4,500 chests, Six Dragons has kicked off its founders sale this week.
Blockchain Braintrust – marketing and where developers fall down James McQuillan May 13, 2019 Blockchain Braintrust discusses just where blockchain games fall down in marketing themselves
Kriptomat reveals a new minting portal for ERC1155 assets James McQuillan May 10, 2019 Kriptomat has made use of ERC1155 token standards for as long as it has partnered with Enjin
Forgotten Artefacts begins its pre-sale James McQuillan May 6, 2019 Among those NFTs within this sale, Forgotten Artefacts is selling some very exclusive weapons and assets
Binance Chain and DEX are now supported in Enjin Wallet James McQuillan May 2, 2019 Enjin has officially announced its support for Binance Chain and DEX
Enjin and Coinswitch to create crypto payment gateway for games James McQuillan Apr 30, 2019 Along with providing exposure to 300 cryptocurrencies, Enjin and CoinSwitch have partnered up on a dedicated blockchain explorer, and payments solution on Unity.
9 Lives Arena showcases gameplay video James McQuillan Apr 30, 2019 The in-game footages showcases just how 1v1 battles function for players
Check out Titan Flight’s new website James McQuillan Apr 29, 2019 The new website provides a new sleek look to Titan Flight
Kingdom Karnage becomes the latest to join the Enjin multiverse James McQuillan Apr 23, 2019 Kingdom Karnage has officially become the latest game to hit the Enjin multiverse this week
9 Lives Arena lets players monetize their items with NFT ‘Blueprints’ James McQuillan Apr 16, 2019 The introduction of blueprints into the game provides players with the power to craft unique assets to sell
Enjin’s explorer now supports ERC1155 standard James McQuillan Apr 11, 2019 Enjin has now included ERC1155 NFTs to the EnjinX explorer